How to write a great bio

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Writing a great bio can be one of the most challenging parts of developing a solid online presence. 

To help you out, we've put together a few guiding rules of thumb to keep you on the right track.  

1. Content

Goal: Make it compelling.

Elements to include in your bio:

What you're passionate about: 

What motivates you? Why do you do what you do? What do you care most about? What is it that gets you excited to work on a new project? Adding something about your passions allows your page viewer to connect with you on a human level. People naturally gravitate towards people who are passionate.

The mission you're on:

What are your goals? What do you hope to achieve? What kind of impact are you trying to create in the world? Letting people know what your goals are will make it easier for people to see where you're going and where you align.

Highlights of the impact you've created:

What have you done that shows impact resulting from your passions? What kind of work have you produced? These types of supporting details will reinforce the fact that you've created impact before and will be able to again.

Something personal:

Add something unique about who you are outside of "your real job." What do you like to do when you're not working? What's something that you could connect about with anyone, even if they don't work in your industry?

2. Voice

Goal: make it authentic.

Use your natural voice. The most effective bios are ones that the reader can connect with. Make your page viewers feel like they're meeting you in person while reading your bio by using the same kind of language you'd use while speaking to a person in conversation.

We recommend writing your bio in first-person (i.e. 'I'm fascinated by human behavior' instead of 'Melissa is fascinated by human behavior')

3. Result

Goal: Make it now.

If you're hitting writer's block or looking for a quick fix, give Bio Writer a try by clicking 'casual' or 'professional' at the top of your Bio box.


Clicking one of these options will replace your existing content, so be sure you saved a copy somewhere just in case.

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